Rangareddy district was formed on 15th August 1978 by carving out some portion of Hyderabad urban taluk and the merger of the rural and urban areas of the remaining taluks of Hyderabad. Therefore the history of Rangareddy is no other than the history of Hyderabad which is detailed here. In the initial stage, the name of the district was Hyderabad (Rural). Later it was changed as Konda Venkata Rangareddy district and then as Rangareddy district. It was named after the doyen freedom fighter patriot and late Deputy Chief Minister ofAndhra pradesh K.V.Rangareddi.
The history of the district was inextricably bound up with the rise and fall of variouskingdoms which flourished in the Deccan during the medieval and modern times. TheKakatiyas of Warangal were the first important rulers of this part of the country between1150-1323 A.D. Muhammad-bin-Tughlak who broke the Kakatiya power in 1323 A.D. held away for sometime after which the royal court of the Bahmani Sultans held the Deccan forabout two centuries. On their decline, the Barid Shahi Kingdom rose to power which, for unknown reasons, dwindled by about 1609 A.D. Then came the famous Qutub Shahi’s ofGolconda (1512-1687) whose rule opened a glorious chapter in the annals of this district . It was in the reign of the fifth descendant of this dynasty, Muhammad Quli, that the nucleus ofthe Hyderabad city, renowned for its magnificent mansions, had been laid in 1589 A.D. However, towards the close of the 17th century the fortress of Golconda fell to the sword ofAurangzeb (1687) who made it a part and parcel of the Mughal Empire and nominated ChinKalich Khan (Asaf Jah) as Subedar of the Deccan, who in turn, made himself the master ofthe Deccan after inflicting a signal defeat on Mubariz Khan, who was secretly instructed by the Mughal Emperor, in the famous battle of Shakarkheda fought on the 11th October, 1724.This battle which was renamed Fathkhera by the Nizam-ul-Mulk marks the establishment of the Asaf Jahi Dynasty and with it the establishment of an autonomous Deccan. It also marksthe end of the Medieval period in the history of the Deccan and the commencement of theModern period which was identical with the end of the Mughal hegemony and the definiteestablishment of the Asaf Jahi rule. The State and the dynasty so founded by Asaf Jah-I had witnessed many eventful things in the evolution of the Hyderabad State. He also instituted thetitle of the Nizam which had become since then the hereditary and dynastic title of the successive rulers of this State and thus he became the founder of the house of the Nizams(1724). Thereafter, the district remained a part of the Nizam’s Dominions until it became a part of the Indian Union in 1948. It was finally merged in the enlarged State of AndhraPradesh on the 1st November, 1956 when the Sovereign, independent Republic of Indiaimplemented the States’, Reorganisation Act with a view to redraw the political map of India,delimiting and alienating the boundaries of the States so as to weld together the peoplespeaking the same language.
The District is located in the Central Part of the Deccan Plateau and lies between 160 30` and 180 20` of North Latitude and 770 30` and 790 30` of East Longitudes. The District is bounded on the North by Medak District, East by Nalgonda District, South by Mahaboobnagar District, West by Gulbarga District & North West of Bidar District of Karnataka State.