



District Water Management Agency, Rangareddy District has been created as a separate establishment during 2001 bifurcating from DRDA exclusively to look after development of human resources and Natural Resources on Watershed Basis. Consequently, the Govt. vide GO.MS.No.84 PR&RD (RD-IV) Dept. Dt.22-03-03 have issued orders changing the nomenclature of Project Director DPAP as Project Director District Water Management Agency (DWMA) uniformly for all districts in the state.


            The District Collector is Chairman of DWMA who will be assisted by the following officials at District level, Cluster level and Mandal level while implementation of welfare and development activities of DWMA, in entire  Rangareddy District, such as MGNREGS, IJP, Watershed, IWMP, Horticulture and convergence schemes.

The agency is implementing certain schemes to improve living conditions of people in rural and to create economic awareness in rural areas.




The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 provides enhancement of livelihood security, giving atleast 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in every financial year to every household, whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work. Panchayats at districts, intermediate and village levels will be the principal authorities for planning and implementation of the scheme.

For any information and progress of MGNREGS please visit below site.


Objectives of the MGNREGS:


Objective: To enhance livelihood security in rural  areas by providing at least 125 days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every rural household willing to do manual unskilled work.

Primary Objective: Wage employment creation

Auxiliary Objective: Regenerating natural resource base and creating productive assets

Process objective: Strengthening grass root processes of democracy infusing transparency and accountability in governance


Non – negotiable:


125 days of wage employment on demand in a financial year to the registered households

Equal wages to men and women

Payment on fortnightly basis

Ban on contractors and labour-displacing machinery

Works, identified by Grampanchayaths and  Mandal Parishads.


Entitlements and facilities provided for workers under act.:


Every adult member of a rural household who volunteers to do unskilled manual work can:

Register with the GP.

Get a job card.

Demand for work.

Entitled to 125 days of guaranteed wage labour (unskilled).

Provide work within 15 days of applying.

Otherwise, he is entitled to unemployment allowance.

First one month 25% and after that 50% of wages.

Providing work within 5 Kms. radius, if not 10% of wage rate is to be paid as extra.

Work-site facilities and safeguards.

Providing of shades/Pandiri at work site

Drinking water facility

First aid kit

Aya provision


The MGNREGS-TS programme is being implemented in the district and the administrative set up is as follows:


At village level one Field Assistant is placed who will play important role in identifying the works and also to start the works with the Shrama Shakthi Sanghalu (formed by the 20 wage seekers)

For a group of villages i.e., 5 to 6 villages one Technical Assistant is placed to   coordinate all the Field Assistants of GPs allotted to him.

At mandal level MPDO is the Programme officer and he will be assisted by one Additional Programme Officer at Mandal office with sufficient  infrastructure to run the  Mandal Computer Centre (MCC).

One Engineering Consultant is posted in each mandal and he will  give technical sanctions and check measure the works at mandal level.

To run the MCC, two Computer Operators are made available to the Additional Programme Officer and Programme officer.

For a group of mandals ie., 4 to 5 mandals one Assistant Project Director is posted for coordinating all NREGS/Watershed/IJP works in his jurisdiction i.e., in allotted mandals.

At district level two Additional PDs are posted one is for NREGS and another one is for Watersheds who will assist PD. And the District Collector is designated as District project coordinator for NREGS works.

All works which are identified at village level by Gramasabha with resolutions, will be generated at MCC and forwarded by the Programme Officer (MPDO) to the PD, DWMA  who in turn take approval of the District collector duly following the MGNREGS guidelines by circulating the file.


Electronic Muster & Measurement System (eMMS):


The objective is to achieve complete transparency in implementation  of MGNREGS by obtaining LIVE data from the Worksite to the Website on a daily basis.

The mobile technology is customised and deployed for the MGNREGS Field functionaries through different mobile applications like e-Muster, e-Measurement, e-muster verification and e-check measurement.

eMMS is designed to arrest distortions in the programme  like Muster Fudging; Delays in Payments; Binami wage seekers; Fake Measurements and work Duplication.


Electronic Fund Transfer System (eFMS)


eFMS has been established with the objective of implementing an efficient fund transfer system through online money transfers.

All the MCCs and DCCs are networked to the central server and  through that to a central fund in which all the MGNREGA funds are  lodged.

eFMS enables electronic transfer of money to a disbursing Account (post office/smart card etc) where there is a requirement  and allows optimum utilization of funds.

eFMS avoids deficit of funds or excess funds at Mandal level.

The Mandal level staff is liberated from the maintenance of Cheque books and accounts.